Many people get started with some form of free hosting. Maybe it's google blogspot where you are reading this, or one of the numerous others. The free bee's are a good way to start and learn some of the basics. At the point that you really have an interest in creating your own site and would like to get serious and take it to the next level you will undoubtedly need to pay a decent host for their services. What many don't realize is that these are really not that expensive. But choose carefully as not all hosts are equal. For around $5-$10 per month, which is probably less than what you spend to go to a movie, or maybe lunch at your favorite fast food or restaurant anyway.
The additional control, features, stats, and more that you get with a paid host is more than worth. Some will even give you a better deal if you purchase 3, 6, 12, or more months at a time.
There is also a feeling of pride and accomplishment in having your own site. Even if you are still learning, it's a good feeling.
Now there are plenty of hosts out there and many that offer a very low monthly price. Although the price might be tempting do try to avoid these hosts. What they do is cram as many other sites like yours on one server often times hundreds. This creates a lot of problems and down time. Too many sites on one server will all be competing for the resources.
A good $5-$10 per month host will be more than adequate for most small to medium sites. You can always upgrade later as needed if your site grows and you require more space and server power.
With that in mind I have compiled a list of some of the more popular hosts with reasonable pricing. Please take a moment and check them out. All of them are top rated and very well known and established. They offer competitive reasonable pricing, 30 day money back guarantees, and great support.
The Top 5 Hosing Companies for any budget:
1. Hostmonster
Tons of pretty much unlimited features. Fast setup and 24 hour support. You can't go wrong with hostmonster. Prices starting at $5.95 per month. Check hostmonster out now!
2. Hostgator
They offer tons of unlimited features. Fast setup and 24 hour support. A huge customer base, and they have been around for a long time. Prices starting at $4.95 per month. Give them a try and check them out!
3. Bluehost
Bluehost has tons of unlimited features. Fast setup and 24 hour support as well. Excellent uptime, and very respected. Prices starting at $6.95 per month. Check Bluehost out now!
4. Cirtexhosting
5000 MB's/5GB's of storage space, 100 GB's of bandwidth tons of features starting at $2.99 per month. Cirtex 24-7 support is top notch and one of the fastest response times in the business. Check out Cirtexhosting now.
5. Godaddy
Godday is probably the biggest and well known of them all. Godaddy offers some of the best prices for initially registering a domain, and is probably the most popular register. They offer a easy online interface to administer your hosting and domain account.
10 gb's space 300 gb's transfer starting at $4.99 per month. Whether your looking for hosting or registering a domain name you can find it at
Now obviously there are many other hosts out there. As I mentioned earlier all hosts are not equal, so be sure to really check some of the others you might stumble on out before you sign up with them.
I either currently use these hosts or have done work for other people on these hosts. I have been very pleased with the service, up time, and features they each offer. I have numbered them in the order I prefer and how I rate them.
Good Luck!!
And may your website be fun and successful!
The Top 5 Hosing Companies For Any Budget
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